Burlesque Dancer (LV3)

VIDEO LINK She is a burlesque performer, producer, instructor and costumer in Las Vegas, Nevada. She hails from New York City where she studied at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Along with her skilled voice and movement, she incorporates…

Burlesque Dancer (LV2)

VIDEO LINK The Showgirl of Burlesque, Miss Exotic World (2009), The Polynesian Princess, Five Time Playboy Pinup, this gal has performed around the globe as a headlining burlesque dancer, while remaining a favorite of both male and female audiences alike.…

Burlesque Dancer (LV1)

VIDEO LINK – DOMINATRIX ACT VIDEO LINK – KITTY ACT This dancer is one of the world’s premier burlesque performers and a Queen of Burlesque at the Burlesque Hall of Fame in Las Vegas. There has been no shortage of…

Showgirl Burlesque (LA1)

VIDEO LINK *Minimum pricing includes: 1 Burlesque Dancer, up to 5 minute choreographed performance or up to 2 hours ambiance (15 min on/ 15 min off). 

Neo Burlesque (LA1)

VIDEO LINK *Minimum pricing includes: 1 Burlesque Dancer, up to 5 minute choreographed performance or up to 2 hours ambiance (15 min on/ 15 min off).  

Chair Burlesque (LA1)

VIDEO LINK *Minimum pricing includes: 1 Burlesque Dancer, up to 5 minute choreographed performance or up to 2 hours ambiance (15 min on/ 15 min off).

Burlesque Dancers (LA1)

VIDEO LINK *Minimum pricing includes: 1 Burlesque Dancer, up to 5 minute choreographed performance or up to 2 hours ambiance (15 min on/ 15 min off). Additional dancers $750 each.